Anti-inflammation Molecule Helps Fight MS-like Disease, Study Suggests

Science Daily, November 12th 2007

An immune system messenger molecule that normally helps quiet inflammation could be an effective tool against multiple sclerosis (MS). The protein interkeukin-27 (IL-27) helped block the onset or reverse symptoms in animals with an MS-like disease.

Thomas Jefferson University neuroscientists report their findings in the journal Nature Immunology

To read the whole article please visit the website (found under links… “ScienceDaily Nov.12.07”) Thank you

MS cause found..?

The possible cause of MS might have been found…but further research needs to be done…

Published 05.11.2007

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), a ubiquitous B-lymphotropic herpesvirus, has been associated with multiple sclerosis (MS), but direct proof of its involvement in the disease is still missing. MS might result from perturbed EBV infection in the CNS (further research needed to confirm it). However, the research has concluded that EBV persistence and reactivation in the CNS play an important role in MS immunopathology.

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